Cupboards and drawers with a clean feel

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We all know, the changing of the seasons heralds fear and boredom. However, you can take the opportunity to clean, sort and add a scent to your cabinets and drawers. How? Using simple DIY tricks.

How to add fragrance to cabinets and drawers

If you want to give your clothes a fresh and delicate scent, you can moisten paper tissues with essential oils and place them in the drawers among the linen, or put them on the shelves inside your wardrobe.
With their pungent notes, citronella, lemongrass and rosemary also keep moths and insects away from the cupboards. A few drops of essential oil are all you need, depending on your personal taste and the number of items being stored.

Foxy tissues: clean allies for scented wardrobes and drawers

You can also use essential oils to make scented bags. Pour 2-3 drops of essential oil on a couple of tablespoons of rice and also add a little baking soda. It will absorb moisture and bad smells. If you want, you can add some dried flowers as well, the favourites being lavender and rose. Pour everything into a paper towel and close it up with a ribbon.

If you prefer more Mediterranean tones, choose your preferred mix of citrus fruits from among oranges, cedars, lemons and mandarins. Dry the peel and combine it with flower petals. Put everything in a paper tissue and seal it like a bag. The result will be a fresh scent with summer notes.

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