3 natural recipes for cleaning the oven

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Lasagna, aubergine parmigiana, chicken and roast potatoes: delights for the palate, but real disasters when it comes to cleaning your oven.

How can you remove dirt and encrustations? Chemicals are certainly effective, but there are also ancient natural remedies for cleaning ovens without detergents.

How to clean the oven without detergents: baking soda, vinegar and other natural remedies

Remedy no. 1

Mix the salt and baking soda well, adding water until you get a creamy mixture. Spread the mixture over the entire surface inside the oven with a paper towel and leave to work for an hour. Then you can just rinse everything and enjoy the result.

Remedy no. 2

Put a finger of water and the juice of three lemons in a baking dish and set the temperature to 180°C, for about half an hour. As the solution evaporates, it will soften the encrusted dirt making it easy to remove with a single wipe of a paper towel. The oven will thus be not only clean but also have a pleasant smell.

Remedy no. 3

Combine a glass of vinegar and five tablespoons of salt. Pour the mixture into a vaporiser and distribute it inside the oven. Leave it on for half an hour and then clean it up with a paper towel. By doing this, you will also have eliminated any bad smells.

3 ricette naturali per pulire il forno

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